
Monday, March 12, 2012

A New quilt in progress....

I am excited because this one is my first with 30's reproductions!!!!  I'm going to call this block the cats and dogs block because they are in there. 
Nineteen more to go!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bits and Pieces

 The latest purple block - in progress since this very morning.
 NOW I have a collection of 30's fabrics.  I can hardly wait to get into them and cut them up and reassemble them!
 I am working on the churn dash part of my Hearts and Apron Strings.   Ten of thirty are done, 1/3 through.
It has taken me a few years but I finally got a sewing machine caddy made up for my old and dear friend, my mainstay sewing machine.
I wanted to use these fabrics and colors after making one of the Civil War Quilt blocks and deciding I just loved the combination. 

My craft room is very multi-color.

What was done on February Saturday sew-day

I got out my new 30's fabrics and started making blocks from Hard Times, Splendid Quilts. 

Instead of the 10" blocks size of the book, I am making them in 12" size.

New book, just arrived!

The mail was not checked yesterday (being a Monday and all) and so this morning on my way in to work I checked it and here it was, a book I didn't think I'd get for another week or two.   It is all I could have wished for and more.